Angelica Rocke will be following with her voice of timeless reckoning and songs that transport you into illuminating realms of now with classic touches of the best parts of the 70's ♥
Mariee Sioux has long been a fixture in the California folk scene, revered for her delicate fingerpicking and mystical songs that reflect her Native American heritage. Poetic mysticism and ancestral remembrance have always been deeply embedded in Mariee Sioux's music. There is a transcendent quality in her unique expression that sometimes feels otherworldly. Her ethereal singing aches with haunting sensitivity, calling forth what is dormant within us and awakening deeply sown seeds of our inner worlds, it often moves listeners to tears. Over the past decade many people have written her to express their of profound healing experiences the music has supported them through; from births, to loved ones last breaths, moments of peace during drug withdrawals and re-connection to the self during trying times or heartbreak. There seems to be a medicinal quality to her music that is undeniable and sought after in an often destructive and disconnected age. Through her music Mariee distills the wisdom of ancestors in a way that chillingly resonates. Her songs seem to connect you instantly with the original innocence and transcendent wisdom that is inherent in each of us.