JROC - James River Outdoor Coalition Annual Gear Swap is April 27th at the Party for the Planet Festival, Tredegar Parking lot accessed via South 2nd Street. (Tredegar Street will be closed for the 5k race.)
Clean out those closets, sheds, and garages. Give the gear you want to sell. Fill out the registration form legibly with your name, mailing address, phone, email, item number, description, and cost. If your gear is sold, they will mail you a check and JROC keeps 20% of the sale for use in the park. They also accept donations of gear and total sales will go to the park.
Bring your used gear with a tagged item number and the completed registration form starting at 9:30am at Tredegar Parking Lot. Access the parking lot via South 2nd Street at the corner of Brown's Island Way and Tredegar Street. (Tredegar Street will be closed for the 5k race.) SALE STARTS at 10:30AM.