Earth Day 2022 is almost here!
Just in case your wondering why the local celebrity, Nutasha, is on our picture this year…that’s cause SHE IS GONNA BE THERE!! That’s right, the Richmond Flying Squirrel herself will be grabbing a bag, scooping up litter and helping keep Virginia more COZY too!
We are going to stick with last years them of “Restore Our Earth” because y’all know we aren’t even close yet!
Keep Virginia Cozy, with y’all’s help, has added a few extra action items to that theme…our hope for Earth Day this year, and the rest of the year, is…Be kind, smile at strangers, work together for good, create community, help others always, pick up litter, and keep Virginia cozy for EVERYONE!
Y’all do such an amazing job of this each week and the proof is in the pudding!
We hope that you’ll continue to join us, bring your friends, deepen your connection to our green spaces & wild places, and grow your community by joining ours!
Sunday April 24th, we celebrate Earth Day with our 5th Annual Earth Day Cleanup at Belle Isle (300 Tredegar Street)! Come join us from 12pm-2pm, all reusable gear provided, fun giveaways, awesome raffle prizes from some great outdoor companies, and time spent with other incredible humans!
It’s not our trash…but it is our community!
Working with y’all, each week, is such a gift! Seeing y’all lifting each other up, forming new friendships, working together to leave places better than we found them, and spreading kindness in the community is absolutely amazing.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all your hard work and support!
Here comes Earth Day y’all, let’s get to it!
We are also going to be washing down the day with some nice cold brews on the patio of Väsen after the cleanup is done! Come join us as we get trashy, stay cozy, and enjoy community!