From dog and slackline tricks to music and mountain biking, we are giving you the next best thing to being down on Brown’s Island yourself: a Virtual Riverrock Experience! Bring the celebratory spirit of downtown Richmond during Dominion Energy Riverrock to your home and backyard with our virtual races, contests, and livestream event happening on May 16! Snap a photo and send it to us, or tag @sportsbackers on social media, and use #RockTheOutdoors and together we’ll make social distancing feel not quite as isolating!
Let’s all get outdoors and be grateful for the awesome running resources we have here in RVA! Choose your trail running or mountain biking distance (or do more than one), select your own course, and complete a Virtual Race in honor of the nation’s biggest outdoor adventure festival.
Every event entry will enter you in a drawing to win a prize pack featuring items from our event partners: YETI, Sierra Nevada, ENO, nuun, Virginia Lottery, Capital One, and more!
Trail Running Races:
Mountain Biking Races:
Register through May 31 and complete your event by that date, wherever you want. You can even upload and compare your results on the Leaderboard!
The $20 registration fee includes event entry, a cool Dominion Energy Riverrock trucker hat, and an entry for a shot at winning a great prize pack featuring items from our event partners including YETI, Sierra Nevada, ENO, nuun, Virginia Lottery, Capital One, and more! Prize Pack winners will be announced on Monday, May 18.
Every year we hold an official #riverrockrva video contest! These videos are an awesome way to look back at every year of the fesitval. Since things are a little different this year, we want to see how you're celebrating Dominion Energy Riverrock at Home! Can you compete in bouldering in your backyard? Is your garage band ready for the big time? Time to brush off your driveway Freestyle Bike moves? This competition is as funny or as serious as you want it to be, and don't worry about having fancy camera equipment - an iPhone will do just fine!
Submit your entry by Thursday, May 14 through a DM, posting your video in the comments, or sending your video to media@sportsbackers.org.
The James River roars through downtown RVA and provides our urban environment with an unbelievable amount of natural beauty. It’s also the perfect backdrop for Dominion Energy Riverrock! While we can’t all be together this year, we want to raise awareness for this asset and all the adventure it brings to make the River City a great place to live and visit.
Now, more than ever, the outdoors can be a place to escape and we want to make sure that our environment is in top shape! Let’s show Mother Nature some love! Take a photo of yourself cleaning up anywhere – whether it be an area by the river or a favorite trail in your neighborhood and use #RockTheOutdoors to show us how you’re spreading the RVA love!
Cute pups are a plenty at #riverrockrva! You see them soaring high in our Subaru of America, Inc. Ultimate Air Dogs competition, and you've probably seen a few cooling off in the dog pool area at the YETI booth. Since we're going virtual this year, it's time for your pup to shine!
We're holding a dog trick competition and we want to see the best move your furry friend has got! Submit a video of your dog doing a trick by Thursday, May 14th for your chance to win! Videos can be submitted through DMs, comments on this post, or to media@sportsbackers.org.
Be sure to check out the livestream premiere of the 2020 Dominion Energy Riverrock on May 16 for a virtual experience, starting at 5PM via Facebook and YouTube, that will highlight all your favorite parts of Riverrock! The livestream event will feature live music from The Hot Seats, The Northerners, and Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio, yoga led by Project Yoga Richmond, Rapid Fire Q&As with climbing and slackline athletes, a cooking tutorial led by Boka Tako, competition footage, and more exclusive content!